© Copyright 2015-2025 Dana Meachen Rau | All Rights Reserved.
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Presenting programs and engaging students in dialogue about the creative process is one of my favorite parts of being an author.
I offer two options:
My school visit fee is $1200 a day, which includes up to four presentations. My public library visits are $300 an hour. Add travel expenses if school or library is more than 50 miles from my home.
This is a great option for schools further from my home (I live in Burlington, Connecticut) or with a limited budget. My fee is $300 an hour, and as many classrooms of similar age levels can Zoom in per school as needed.
Photo by Janice Williams
Deb Kantrowitz
Grade 3 Teacher, Whiting Lane Elementary School, West Hartford, CT
(K to Grade 2, 30 minutes long)
We will answer the often-asked question “Where does an author get ideas?” Using my book Sense of Play about a day between a brother who is blind and a sister who has sight (and based my own childhood), we will also explore our senses and the many ways to play.
(Grades 2 to 5, 50 minutes long)
Focussing on the books I’ve written for the popular Who Was series, this program will lead students on a journey of discovery about gathering ideas, the writing process, turning facts into stories, an author’s life, and most importantly, their own unique stories to tell.
I am also available to speak at conferences geared to fellow authors refining their craft or to teachers and librarians who use my books in their classrooms or libraries.
Feel free to contact me.
Full list of my published works, click here.
Check out this movie I made that answers frequently asked questions!
© Copyright 2015-2025 Dana Meachen Rau | All Rights Reserved.
Web Design by Esper Media